Suzanne La Croix, PhD 2011
My broad interest is studying what animals do -- especially the ontogeny of behavior. My dissertation research focused on the morphology and ontogeny of feeding performance in coyotes (Canis latrans). As the most abundant large carnivore on the North American continent, the coyote is the ideal model for a study of successful morphology. By combining behavioral observations of their food processing abilities with a morphometric analysis of their skulls, I documentedhow changes in performance during development are associated with age-related variation in skull morphology. This project was conducted in association with Dr. John Shivik, at the USDA/APHIS National Wildlife Research Center field station in Utah. Current Contact Information: Suzanne La Croix, M.S., Ph.D. Ethologist & Applied Animal Behaviorist AnimaLINK, LLC [email protected] 248.770.5500 |