Kay E. Holekamp
Curriculum Vitae CONTACT Address: Department of Integrative Biology, 288 Farm Lane, Rm 203, Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan, 48824-1115 Phone: 517-432-3691; Fax: 517-432-2789 Email: [email protected] WEB PAGE http://hyenas.zoology.msu.edu/ EDUCATION Ph.D. University of California (1983) Berkeley, California A.B. (Cum Laude, with High Honors) (1973) Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts EMPLOYMENT: Director, Interdisciplinary program in Ecology Evolutionary Biology and Behavior. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (2009-present) Professor, Department of Zoology, Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan (1999-present) Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan (1995-1999) Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan (1992-1995) Associate Curator of Mammals, Michigan State University Museum East Lansing, Michigan (1993-Present) Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (1991-1992) Research Associate, Department of Ornithology and Mammalogy, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California (1987-1991) N.R.S.A. Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, California (1983-86) Supervisor of undergraduate research in Behavioral Ecology, Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, California (1984-87) Teaching Assistant, University of California, Berkeley, California (1977-81) Research Assistant, University of California, Berkeley, California (1978-81) Amazon River guide and interpreter, Parador Ticuna Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia (1973-74) Keeper, Small Mammal Division and Children's Zoo, St. Louis Zoo. St. Louis, Missouri (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972) AWARDS Elected to Honorary Membership, American Society of Mammalogists (the society's highest honor) Inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2015 Elected AAAS Fellow 2013 Recipient Smith College Medal 2013 Named University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University (2009) College of Natural Science Distinguished Faculty Award, Michigan State University (2007) University Distinguished Faculty Award, Michigan State University (2006) C. Hart Merriam Award for outstanding research in mammalogy from the American Society of Mammalogists (2005) Elected as a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society (2001) College of Natural Science Outstanding Academic Advisor Award, Michigan State University (2001) Teacher-Scholar Award, Michigan State University (1998) Teacher-Scholar Award, College of Natural Science at Michigan State University (1997) Recipient of Distinguished Teaching Award, University of California, Berkeley (1982) Election to Phi Beta Kappa (1973) Election to Sigma Xi (1973) GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS NSF grant proposal (IOS) “Selection for general intelligence by novel environments” 1/1/2017-12/31/20. Principal Investigator: Kay E. Holekamp. Co-PI: Elise F. Zipkin. Pending. Lakeside Foundation award (2016) “Causes and consequences of altered predator communities in the Masai Mara National Reserve. December, 2015. NSF Grant OISE 1556407 (International Research Experience for Students) (7/1/2016-6/30/2019) “IRES: Behavioral ecology of African carnivores.” Principal Investigator: Kay E. Holekamp. NSF Grant DEB 1353110 (April, 2014-March, 2019) “LTREB RENEWAL: Fitness consequences of pleiotropic androgen effects in free-living mammals.” Principal Investigator: Kay E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: Jacinta Beehner & Barry Williams. NSF Grant OIA 0939454 (Science and Technology Centers) (August, 2015-July, 2020) “BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action - Renewal” Principal Investigator: Erik Goodman; CO-PIs: Kay E. Holekamp, Richard E. Lenski, Charles A. Ofria, and Robert T. Pennock. NIH Grant Number: 1R01GM105042 (2013-2017) “The Role of Emotion and Communication in Cooperative Behavior.” Principal Investigator: Risto Miikkulainen; Co-PI: Kay E. Holekamp. NSF Grant IOS 1121474 (Animal Behavior) (2011-2015) “Mediation of rank-related maternal effects on males throughout the lifespan” Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: Barbara L. Lundrigan and Kim T. Scribner. NSF Grant OISE-1260768 (International Research Experience for Students) (2013-2016) “IRES: Behavioral ecology of African carnivores.” Principal Investigator: K. E. Holekamp NSF Grant OIA 0939454 (Science and Technology Centers) (2010-2015) “BEACON: An NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action ” Principal Investigator: Erik Goodman; CO-PIs: Kay E. Holekamp, Richard E. Lenski, Charles A. Ofria, and Robert T. Pennock. NSF Grant IOS 0965840 (International Research Experience for Students) (2010-2012) “IRES: Behavioral ecology of African carnivores.” Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp. NSF Grant IOB 0920505 (Animal Behavior) (2009-2012) “A Symbiotic Approach to the Study of Animal Communication.” Principal Investigator: Kevin R. Theis; Co-PIs: Kay E. Holekamp and Thomas Schmidt. NSF Grant IOS 0819437 (Organism-Environment Interactions) (2008-2013) “LTREB: Fitness consequences of pleiotropic androgen effects in free-living mammals.” Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: Jeffrey A. French, Stephen E. Glickman and Kim T. Scribner. NSF Grant IOS 0809914 (Neural Systems) (2008-2010) “SGER: Support of research involving captive spotted hyenas” Principal Investigator: Stephen E. Glickman; Co-PIs: Kay. E. Holekamp, Nancy G. Forger and Geert J. deVries. NSF Grant IOB 0618022 (Animal Behavior) (2006-2010) “Exploring the roles of competition and constraint in the evolution of mammalian behavior” Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: Barbara L. Lundrigan, Miriam Zelditch, and Kim T. Scribner. Army Research Office award for ARO Proposal No.54320-LS-II, Agreement No.W911NF-08-1-0310. “Novel Mechanisms of Pathogen Resistance.” 1 November 2008- 31 July 2009. Principal Investigator: Kay E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: Linda Mansfield and Stephen E. Glickman. Recipient of a Research Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (2006). IRGP award from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies at Michigan State University (2005-2006) “Frontal Cortex and Social Complexity: A Comparative Study using Computed Tomography.” Principal Investigator: S. Sakai, CO-PIs: K.E. Holekamp & B.L. Lundrigan. NIH Grant 2T32MH070343-06. The Integrative Neurobiology of Social Processes. Principal Investigator: M. Breedlove. Holekamp is one of eight training faculty. Renewed in 2009 for 5 more years. NSF Grant IBN 0343381 (Animal Behavior) (2004-2007) “Mammalian behavioral development under contrasting regimes of interspecific competition” Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: L. Smale and J. A. French. NSF Grant IBN 0113170 (LTREB: Animal Behavior) (2001-2006) “Integrated study of behavioral and morphological development in free-living carnivores” Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: Barbara L. Lundrigan and Kim T. Scribner. NSF Grant IBN 9906445 (Animal Behavior) (1999-2003: current) "Mammalian sibling rivalry” Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: L. Smale, S. E. Glickman, and J. A. French.. International Studies Program, Michigan State University (1998): Development of new field course in Kenya entitled “The behavioral ecology of African mammals.” NSF Grant IBN 9630667 (Animal Behavior) (1996-2000) "The evolution of intelligence in response to social complexity." Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: L. Smale, and M. Zuk. Searle Scholarship (1994-98). David and Lucille Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering (1993-1999) NSF Grant IBN 9309805 (Animal Behavior) (1993) "Rank and reproduction in free-living spotted hyenas." Principal Investigator K.E. Holekamp, C0-PI: L. Smale. NSF Grant BNS 9021461 (Animal Behavior) (1990) "Coalitions, dispersal, and mating in free-living spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta." Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PIs: L. Smale, and L.G. Frank. Charles A. Lindbergh Fund Grant (1989). NSF Grant BNS 8706939 (Psychobiology) (1987) "Behavioral development in spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta." Principal Investigator: K.E. Holekamp; Co-PI: L.G. Frank. National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health (1983) Bache Fund Grant from the National Academy of Sciences (1982) Grant from the Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research of the American Museum of Natural History (1982; declined) Sigma Xi Grant-in aid-of-research (1979) NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (BNS 80-20080) (1979) American Association of University Women Graduate Fellowship (1979) U. C. Chancellor's Patent Fund Research Grant (1979) Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship (1978) NSF Graduate Fellowship (1974) PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (total= 136): Lehmann, K.D.S., Montgomery, T.M., MacLachlan, S.M., Parker, J.M., Spagnuolo, O.S., VandeWetering, K., Bills, P.S. & Holekamp, K.E. (2016) Lions, hyenas and mobs (oh my!). Current Zoology. doi: 10.1093/cz/zow073 Holekamp. K. E. & Strauss, E. D. (in press) Aggression and Dominance: An integrative overview. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences Lewin, N., Swanson, E.M., Williams, B. L. & Holekamp, K.E. (In press) IGF-1 concentrations during early life predict life-history trade-offs in a wild mammal. Functional Ecology. Smith, J.E., Lehmann, K.D.S., Montgomery, T.M., Strauss, E.D & Holekamp, K.E. (2016) Insights from long-term field studies of mammalian carnivores. Journal of Mammalogy. In Press. Yoshida, K.C.S., Van Meter, P.E. & Holekamp, K.E. (2016) Variation among free-living spotted hyenas in three personality traits. Behaviour. DOI:10.1163/1568539X-00003367. Flies, A.S., Mansfield, L. S., Johnston-Flies, E. S., Grant, C. K. & Holekamp, K. E. (2016). Social rank predicts immune defenses in a long-lived wild carnivore. Functional Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12638 Benson-Amram, S., Dantzer, B., Stricker, G., Swanson, E.M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2016) Brain size predicts problem-solving ability in mammalian carnivores. PNAS 113: 2532-2537. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1505913113 Theis, K. R., Venkataraman, V., Wagner. A.P., Holekamp, K. E. & Schmidt, T.M. (2015) Age-related variation in the scent pouch bacterial communities of striped hyenas (Hyaena hyaena). In B. Schulte, T. Goodwin & M. Ferkin (Eds.), Chemical Signals in Vertebrates. 13: 87-103. Flies, A.S., Mansfield, L.S., Grant, C.K., Weldele, M.L., & Holekamp, K.E. (2015) Markedly elevated antibody responses in wild versus captive spotted hyenas show that environmental and ecological factors are important modulators of immunity. PLoS1. Oct 7;10(10):e0137679 DOI: 0.1371/journal.pone.0137679 Ilany, A., Booms, A. S. & Holekamp, K. E. (2015) Structural constraints on long-term social network dynamics in a wild mammal. Ecology Letters. 18: 687–695. doi: 10.1111/ele.12447 Smith, J. E., Estrada, J.R., Richards, H.R., Dawes, S.E., Mitsos, K. & Holekamp, K.E. (2015) Collective movements, leadership, and consensus costs at reunions in spotted hyaenas. Animal Behaviour. 105: 187-200, Doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.04.023 Holekamp, K.E., Dantzer, B., Stricker, G., Yoshida, K.C.S. & Benson-Amram, S. (2015) Brains, brawn and sociality: a hyaena’s tale. Animal Behaviour. 103: 237-248. DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.01.023 Lewin, N., Treidel, L. A., Holekamp, K. E., Place N.J., & Haussmann, M.F. (2015) Socioecological variables predict telomere length in wild spotted hyenas. Biology Letters. Volume 11 20140991. DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2014.0991. Gersick, A.S., Cheney, D.L., Schneider, J. M., Seyfarth, R. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2015) Long-distance communication facilitates cooperation among spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta). Animal Behaviour. 103: 107-116. Jones, S. C., Strauss, E. D. & Holekamp K. E. (2015) Ecology of African Carrion. Pp. 459-489 in Carrion Ecology, Evolution, and Their Applications. M. E. Benbow, J. K. Tomberlin, & A. M. Tarone (Eds). CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. Curren L. J., Linden, D.W., Heinen, V. K., McGuire, M. C., & Holekamp, K. E. (2015). The functions of male-male aggression in a female-dominated mammalian society. Animal Behaviour 100: 208-216. Green, D. S., Roloff, G.J., Heath, B. R. & Holekamp, K. E. (2015) Temporal dynamics of the responses by African mammals to prescribed fire. Journal of Wildlife Management. 79: 235–242, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.827 Benson-Amram, S., Heinen, V., Gessner, A., Weldele, M. L., & Holekamp, K. E. (2014) Limited social learning of a novel technical problem by spotted hyenas. Behavioural Processes. 109: 111–120 Rajagopalan, P., Holekamp, K.E., & Miikkulainen, R. (2014) The evolution of general intelligence. Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE'14, New York, NY). Rajagopalan, P., Rawal, A., Holekamp, K.E., & Miikkulainen, R. (2014) General intelligence through prolonged evolution of densely connected neural networks. Proceedings of the 2014 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2014), Vancouver, Canada Flies, A.S., Maksimoski, M., Mansfield, L. S., Weldele, M. L., & Holekamp, K.E. (2014). Characterization of toll-like receptors 1-10 in spotted hyenas. Veterinary Research Communications. 38(2):165-170. DOI: 10.1007/s11259-014-9592-3 Swanson, E.M., McElhinny, T. L., Dworkin, I., Weldele, M.L., Glickman, S. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2013) Ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Mammalogy. 94: 1298-1310. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1644/12-MAMM-A-277.1 Theis, K.R., Venkataraman, A., Dycus, J. A., Koonter, K.D.S., Schmitt-Matzen, E.N., Wagner. A.P., Holekamp, K.E., & Schmidt, T.M (2013) Symbiotic bacteria appear to mediate hyena social odors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110: 19832–19837. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1306477110 Nelson, K.G., Engh, A.L., McKnight, C. A. Kiupel, M., Wise, A.G., Maes, R.K., Rector, A., Stevens, H., Heylen, E., De Keyser, K., Van Ranst M., Flies, A.S. & Holekamp, K. E. (2013). Papillomavirus-associated cutaneous papillomas in a population of wild spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49: 627-631 Holekamp, K. E., Van Meter, P. E. & Swanson, E.M. (2013) Developmental constraints on behavioral flexibility. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol. 368, No 1618, 20120350. (doi:10.1098/ rstb.2012.0350) (published May 2013) Califf, K. J, Ratzloff, E.L., Wagner, A.P., Holekamp, K. E., & B.L. Williams. (2013) Pervasive gene duplication and positive selection at MHC loci in two hyena species. Journal of Mammalogy 94(2):282-294. DOI: 10.1644/12-MAMM-A-054.1 Benson-Amram, S. R., Weldele, M. L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2013) A comparison of innovative problem-solving abilities between wild and captive spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta). Animal Behaviour. 85: 349-356. Holekamp, K. E., Van Meter, P. E. & Swanson, E.M. (2013) Developmental constraints on behavioral flexibility. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol. 368, No 1618, 20120350. (doi:10.1098/ rstb.2012.0350) (published May 2013) Stevens, H., Heylen, E., De Keyser, K., Maes, R., Kiupel, M., Wise, A., Nelson, K., Holekamp, K. E., Engh, A., McKnight, C., Van Ranst, M., & Rector, A. (2013) Complete genome sequence of the Crocuta crocuta papillomavirus type 1 (CcrPV1) of a spotted hyena: the first papillomavirus characterized in a member of the Hyaenidae. Genome Announcements. 1(1):e00062-12. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00062-12. Curren, L. J., Weldele, M. L., Glickman, S. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2013) Ejaculate quality in a wild carnivore: intraspecific variation in relation to life history traits. Journal of Mammalogy. 94: 90-99. Theis, K. R., Schmidt, T. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2012) Evidence for a bacterial mechanism for group-specific social odors among hyenas. Scientific Reports 2, 615; DOI:10.1038/srep00615. Swanson, E.M., Holekamp, K. E., Lundrigan, B. L., Arsznov, B. & Sakai, S.T. (2012) Multiple determinants of brain size and brain architecture in mammalian carnivores. PloS One. 7: 1-11. e38447. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038447. Benson-Amram, S. & Holekamp, K. E. (2012). Innovative problem solving by wild spotted hyenas. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B. 279: 4087-4095. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1450 Flies, A. S., Grant,C. K., Smith, E. J., Mansfield, L. S., Glickman, S. E., Weldele, M. L., & Holekamp, K. E. (2012) Development of a hyena immunology toolbox. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 145:110–119. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.10.016 Holekamp, K.E, Smith, J. E., Strelioff, C. C., Van Horn, R.C. & Watts, H. E. (2012) Society, demography and genetic structure in the spotted hyena. Molecular Ecology. 21: 613–632. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05240.x. Smith, J. E., Swanson, E. M., Reed, D. & Holekamp, K.E. (2012) Evolution of cooperation among mammalian carnivores and its relevance to hominins. Current Anthropology. 53: S436-S452. Rawal, A., Rajagopalan, P., Miikkulainen, R., & Holekamp, K. E. (2012). Evolution of a Communication Code in Cooperative Tasks. Artificial Life 13: 243-250. Swanson, E.M., Dworkin, I. & Holekamp, K. E. (2011) Lifetime selection on a hypoallometric size trait in the spotted hyena. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 278: 3277–3285. DOI 10.1098/rspb.2010.2512. Sakai, S.T, Arsznov, B. M, Lundrigan, B.L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2011) Brain size and social complexity: A computed tomography study in Hyaenidae. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 77:91-104. DOI: 10.1159/000323849. La Croix, S., Holekamp, K. E., Shivik, J. A., Lundrigan, B. L., & Zelditch, M. L. (2011) Ontogenetic relationships between cranium and mandible in coyotes and hyenas. Journal of Morphology. 272: 662-674. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.10934 Watts, H. E, Scribner, K. T., Garcia, H. A. & Holekamp. K. E. (2011) Genetic diversity and structure in two spotted hyena populations reflects social organization and male dispersal. Journal of Zoology, London. 285: 281-291. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00842.x La Croix, S., Zelditch, M. L., Shivik, J. A., Lundrigan, B. L., & Holekamp, K. E. (2011). Ontogeny of feeding performance and biomechanics in coyotes and hyenas. Journal of Zoology, London. 285: 301-315. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00847.x Rajagopalan, P., Rawal, A., Miikkulainen, R., Wiseman, M. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2011) The role of reward structure, coordination mechanism and net return in the evolution of cooperation. 2011 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. Pp. 258-265. Benson-Amram, S., Heinen, V.K., Dryer, S. L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2011) Numerical assessment and individual call discrimination by wild spotted hyaenas, Crocuta crocuta. Animal Behaviour. 82: 743-752. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.07.004. Sakai, S.T, Arsznov, B. M, Lundrigan, B.L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2011) Virtual endocasts: an application of computed tomography in the study of brain variations in hyenas. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1225: E160-E170. DOI 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.05988.x Place, N. E., Coscia, E. M., Dahl, N. J., Drea, C. M., Holekamp, K. E., Roser, J. F., Sisk, C. L., Weldele, M. L. & Glickman, S. E. (2011) The anti-androgen combination, flutamide plus finasteride, paradoxically suppressed LH and androgen concentrations in pregnant spotted hyenas, but not in males. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 170: 455-459. Smith, J. E., Powning, K.S., Dawes, S. E., Estrada, J. R., Hopper, A. L., Piotrowsky, S. L. & Holekamp. K. E. (2011) Greetings promote cooperation and reinforce social bonds among spotted hyaenas. Animal Behaviour. 81: 401-415. Jenson, K. Silk, J. B., Andrews, K., Bshary, R., Cheney, D. L., Emery, N., Hemelrijk, C. K., Holekamp, K. E., Penn, D.C., Perner, J., & Teufel, C. (2011) Social knowledge. In Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition. (Randolf Menzel & Julia Fischer, Eds.) MIT Press. Pp 267- 291 Arsznov, B. M., Lundrigan, B.L., Holekamp, K. E. & Sakai, S. T. (2010) Sex and the frontal cortex: a developmental study in the spotted hyena. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 76: 185-197. Holekamp, K. E. & Dloniak, S. M. (2010) Intra-specific variation in the behavioral ecology of a tropical carnivore, the spotted hyena. In Behavioral Ecology of Tropical Animals: From Ants to Zebras (R. Macedo, Ed.) Advances in the Study of Behavior. 42: 189-229. Pangle, W. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2010) Age-related variation in threat-sensitive behavior exhibited by spotted hyenas: Observational and experimental approaches. Behaviour. 147:1009-1033. Pangle, W. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2010) Functions of vigilance behavior in a social carnivore, the spotted hyaena, Crocuta crocuta. Animal Behaviour. 80: 257-267. Pangle, W. M & Holekamp, K. E. (2010) Lethal and non-lethal anthropogenic effects on spotted hyenas in the Masai Mara National Reserve. Journal of Mammalogy. 91:154-164. Tanner, J. B., Zelditch, M. L., Lundrigan, B. L, & Holekamp, K. E. (2010). Ontogenetic change in skull morphology and mechanical advantage in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Morphology. 271: 353-365. Smith, J.E., Van Horn, R.C., Powning, K.S., Cole, A.R., Graham, K.E., Memenis, S.K., & Holekamp, K.E.(2010) Evolutionary forces favoring intragroup coalitions among spotted hyenas and other animals. Behavioral Ecology. 21: 284-303. Holekamp, K. E. & Engh, A. L. (2009) Reproductive skew in female-dominated mammalian societies. In Reproductive Skew in Vertebrates: proximate and ultimate causes. R. Hager and C.B. Jones (Eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp 53-83. Watts, H. E, Tanner, J. B., Lundrigan, B. L & Holekamp, K.E. (2009). Post-weaning maternal effects and the evolution of female dominance in the spotted hyena. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, London. 276: 2291-2298. Holekamp, K. E. & Dloniak, S. M. (2009) Maternal effects in fissiped carnivores. In Maternal Effects in Mammals. D. Maestripieri and J. Mateo (Eds.) University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pp 227-255. Watts, H. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2009) Ecological determinants of survival and reproduction in the spotted hyena. Journal of Mammalogy. 90:461-471. Lansing, S.W., Cooper, S. M., Boydston, E.E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2009) Taphonomic and zooarchaeological implications of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) bone accumulations in Kenya: a modern behavioral ecological approach. Paleobiology 35: 289-309. Kolowski, J. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2009) Ecological and anthropogenic influences on space use by spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Zoology, London. 277: 23-36. Van Meter, P. E., French, J. A., Dloniak, S. M., & Holekamp, K. E. (2009) Fecal glucocorticoids reflect socio-ecological and anthropogenic stressors in the lives of wild spotted hyena. Hormones and Behavior. 55: 329- 337. Watts, H. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2008) Interspecific competition influences reproduction in spotted hyenas. Journal of Zoology, London. 276: 402-410. Tanner, J. B., Dumont, E. R. Sakai, S. T., Lundrigan, & Holekamp, K. E. (2008) Of arcs and vaults: the biomechanics of bone-cracking in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 95: 246-255. Aureli, F, Schafner, C.M., Boesch, C., Bearder, S.K., Call, J., Chapman, C.A., Conner, R., Difiore, A., Dunbar, R. I. M., Henzi, S. P., Holekamp, K. E., Korstjens, A. H., Layton, R.H., Lee, P., Leymann, J., Manson, J.H., Ramos-Fernandez, G., Strier, K.B., Van Schaik, C.P. (2008) Fission-Fusion Dynamics: New Research Frameworks. Current Anthropology. 49:627-654. Kolowski, J. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2008) Effects of an open refuse pit on space use patterns of spotted hyenas. African Journal of Ecology. 46: 341-349. Van Horn, R. C., Watts, H. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2008) Do female hyaenas choose mates based on tenure? Nature. 454: E1 (doi:10.1038/nature07122). Theis, K. R., Heckla, A. L., Verge, J. R. & Holekamp, K. E. (2008) The ontogeny of pasting behavior in free-living spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta. In: J. L. Hurst, R.J. Beynon, S.C. Roberts & T. D. Wyatt (Eds.), Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 11. Springer, New York. 179-188. Smith, J. E., Kolowski, J. M., Graham, K. E., Dawes, S. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2008) Social and ecological determinants of fission-fusion dynamics in the spotted hyaena. Animal Behaviour. 76: 619-636. Van Meter, P. E., French, J. A., Bidali, K., Weldele, M. L., Brown, J. L., & Holekamp, K. E. (2008) Non-invasive measurement of fecal estrogens in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). General and Comparative Endocrinology.155:464-471. Tanner, J. B., Smale, L, & Holekamp, K. E. . (2007) Ontogenetic variation in the play behavior of spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Developmental Processes. 2: 5-30. Wahaj, S. A., Place, N. J., Weldele, M. L., Glickman, S. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2007) Siblicide in the spotted hyena: analysis with ultrasonic examination of wild and captive individuals. Behavioral Ecology. 18: 974-984. Kolowski, J. M., Katan, D., Theis, K. R., & Holekamp, K. E. (2007) Daily patterns of activity in the spotted hyena. Journal of Mammalogy. 88: 1017-1028. Holekamp, K. E., S. T. Sakai & Lundrigan, B. L. (2007) Social intelligence in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). In Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. N.J. Emery, N. S. Clayton, & C. Frith (Eds.) Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. Pp 63-87. Watts, H. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2007) Hyena societies. Current Biology.17: R657-R660. Szykman. M., Van Horn, R. C., Engh, A.L. Boydston, E. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2007) Courtship and mating in free-living spotted hyenas. Behaviour. 144: 815-846. Theis, K. R., Greene, K. M., Benson-Amram, S. R., & Holekamp, K. E. (2007). Sources of variation in the long-distance vocalizations of spotted hyenas. Behaviour.144: 557-584. Holekamp, K. E., Sakai, S. T. & Lundrigan, B. L. (2007) The spotted hyena as a model system for study of the evolution of intelligence. Journal of Mammalogy. 88: 545-554. Holekamp, K. E. (2007) Questioning the social intelligence hypothesis. Trends in Cognitive Science. 11: 65-69. Holekamp, K. E., S. T. Sakai & Lundrigan, B. L. (2007) Social intelligence in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 362:523-538. Smith, J. E., Memenis, S. K. & Holekamp, K. E. (2007) Rank-related partner choice in the fission-fusion society of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 61: 753-765. Dloniak, S.M., French, J. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2006) Rank-related maternal effects of androgens on behaviour in wild spotted hyaenas. Nature. 439: 1190-1193. Boydston, E. E., Kapheim, K. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2006) Patterns of den occupation by the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). African Journal of Ecology. 44: 77-86. Wahaj, S. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2006) Functions of sibling aggression in the spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) Animal Behaviour. 71:1401-1409. Holekamp, K. E. (2006) Spotted hyaenas. Current Biology. 16: R944-R945. Nunes, S., Pelz, K. M., Muecke, E. M., Zucker, I. & Holekamp, K. E. (2006) Plasma glucocorticoid concentrations and body mass in ground squirrels: seasonal variation and circannual organization. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 146: 131-138. Dloniak, S. M., French, J. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2006) Faecal androgen levels in adult male spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) reflect interactions with socially dominant females. Animal Behaviour. 71: 27-37. Kolowski, J. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2006) Spatial and temporal variation in livestock depredation by large carnivores along a Kenyan reserve border. Biological Conservation. 128: 529-541. Boydston, E. E., Kapheim, K. M., Van Horn, R. C., Smale, L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2005) Sexually dimorphic patterns of space use throughout ontogeny in the spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Zoology, London. 267: 271-281. Engh, A. L, Siebert, E. R., Greenberg, D. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2005) Patterns of alliance formation and post-conflict aggression indicate spotted hyaenas recognize third party relationships. Animal Behaviour. 69: 209-217. Van Horn, R. C., Wahaj, S. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2004). Role-reversed nepotistic interactions between sires and offspring in the spotted hyena. Ethology. 110: 1-14. Wahaj, S.A, Van Horn, R. C,. Van Horn, T., Dreyer, R., Hilgris, R., Schwarz, J. & Holekamp, K. E. (2004) Kin discrimination in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta): Nepotism among siblings. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 56: 237-247. Harrison, T.M., Mazet, J.K., Holekamp, K. E., Dubovi, E., Engh, A.L., Nelson, K., Van Horn, R. C. & Munson, L. (2004) Antibodies to canine and feline viruses in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 40: 1-10. Van Horn, R. C., Engh, A. L., Scribner, K. T., Funk, S. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2004) Behavioral structuring of relatedness in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) suggests direct fitness benefits of clan-level cooperation. Molecular Ecology. 13: 449-458. Dloniak, S. M., French, J. A., Place, N. J., Weldele, M. L., Glickman, S. E. & Holekamp K. E. (2004) Non-invasive monitoring of fecal androgens in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 135: 51-61. Holekamp, K. E. & Sisk, C. L. (2003) Effects of dispersal status on gonadal and pituitary function in the male spotted hyena. Hormones and Behavior. 44: 385-394. Szykman, M., Engh, A. L., Van Horn, R. C., Scribner, K. T., Smale L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2003) Rare male aggression directed toward females in a female-dominated society: baiting behavior in the spotted hyena. Aggressive Behavior. 29: 457-474. Boydston, E. E., Kapheim, K. M., Szykman, M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2003) Individual variation in space utilization by female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Mammalogy. 84: 1006-1018. Van Horn, R.C., McElhinny, T.L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2003) Age estimation and dispersal in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Mammalogy. 84: 1019-1030. Boydston, E. E., Kapheim, K. M., Watts, H. E., Szykman, M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2003) Altered behavior in spotted hyenas associated with increased human activity. Animal Conservation. 6: 207-219. Wahaj, S. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2003) Conflict resolution in the spotted hyena. In Animal Social Complexity. F. B. M. De Waa l & P. L. Tyack (eds). Harvard University Press. Pp. 249-253. Engh, A. L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2003) Maternal rank ‘inheritance’ in the spotted hyena. In Animal Social Complexity. F. B. M. De Waal & P. L. Tyack (eds). Harvard University Press. Pp. 149-152. Engh, A. L., Nelson, K. G., Peebles, C. R., Hernandez, A. D., Hubbard, K. K., & Holekamp, K. E. (2003). A coprological survey of the parasites of spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Masai Mara National reserve, Kenya. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 39: 224-227. Place, N. J. Holekamp, K. E., Sisk, C. L. Weldele ,M. L. Coscia, E. M. Drea, C.M. & Glickman, S. E. (2002) Effects of prenatal treatment with anti-androgens on luteinizing hormone secretion and sex steroid concentrations in adult spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta. Biology of Reproduction 67: 1405-1413. Nunes, S., Muecke, E. M. & Holekamp, K. E. (2002) Seasonal effects of food provisioning on body fat, insulin, and corticosterone in free-living juvenile Belding’s ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) Canadian Journal of Zoology. 80: 1-6. Engh, A. L., Funk, S. M., Van Horn, R. C., Scribner, K. T., Bruford, M. W., Szykman, M., Smale, L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2002) Reproductive skew among males in a female-dominated society. Behavioral Ecology. 13: 193-200. Holekamp, K. E. & Engh, A. L. (2002) Field studies of social cognition in spotted hyenas. In Bekoff, M., Allen, C., & Burghardt, G. M. (Eds) The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. Oxford University Press. Pp 371-377. Szykman M., Engh, A. L., Van Horn, R. C., Funk, S., Scribner, K. T. & Holekamp, K. E. (2001) Association patterns between male and female spotted hyenas reflect male mate choice. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 50: 231-238. Wahaj, S. A., Guse, K. & Holekamp, K. E. (2001) Reconciliation in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Ethology. 107: 1057-1074. Boydston, E. E., Morelli, T. L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2001) Sex differences in territorial behavior exhibited by the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Ethology. 107:369-385. Nunes, S., Muecke, E. M., Ross, H. E., Bartholomew, P. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (2000) Food availability affects behavior but not circulating gonadal hormones in maternal Belding’s ground squirrels. Physiology and Behavior 71:447-455. Engh, A., Esch, K. Smale,,L. & Holekamp, K. E. (2000). Mechanisms of maternal rank ‘inheritance’ in the spotted hyaena. Animal Behaviour. 60:323-332. Holekamp, K.E. & Smale, L. (2000) Feisty females and meek males: reproductive strategies in the spotted hyena. In Reproduction in Context. K. Wallen and J. Schneider (Eds). MIT Press. Cambridge. MA. Pp. 257-285. Holekamp, K. E., Boydston, E. E. & Smale, L. (2000) Group travel in social carnivores. In On the move: group travel in primates and other animals. S. Boinski and P. Garber (Eds.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pp 587-627 Smale, L., Holekamp, K. E. & White, P. A. . (1999) Siblicide revisited in the spotted hyaena: does it conform to obligate or facultative models? Animal Behaviour. 58: 545-551. Holekamp, K. E., Boydston, E. E., Szykman, M., Graham, I., Nutt, K., Birch, S., Piskiel, A. & Singh, M. (1999) Vocal recognition in the spotted hyaena and its possible implications regarding the evolution of intelligence. Animal Behaviour. 58:383-395. Nunes, S. Duniec, T. R., Schweppe, S. A. & Holekamp, K. E. (1999) Energetic and endocrine mediation of natal dispersal behavior in Belding’s ground squirrels. Hormones and Behavior. 35: 113-124. Holekamp, K. E., Szykman, M., Boydston, E.E. & Smale, L. (1999) Association of seasonal reproductive patterns with changing food availability in an equatorial carnivore. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 116: 87-93. Cooper, S. M. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale, L. (1999) A seasonal feast: long-term analysis of feeding behavior in the spotted hyaena, Crocuta crocuta (Erxleben). African Journal of Ecology. 37: 149-160. McElhinny, T. L., Sisk, C. L. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale, L. (1999) A morning surge in plasma LH coincides with elevated Fos expression in GnRH-IR neurons in the diurnal rodent Arvicanthis niloticus. Biology of Reproduction. 61: 1115-1122. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale L. (1998a). Behavioral development in the spotted hyena. Bioscience. 48: 997-1005. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale L. (1998b). Dispersal status influences hormones and behavior in the male spotted hyena. Hormones and Behavior. 33: 205-216. Nunes, S., Ha, C. T., Garrett, P. J., Muecke, E. M., Smale, L. & Holekamp K. E. (1998) Body fat and time of year interact to mediate dispersal behaviour in ground squirrels. Animal Behaviour. 55: 605-614. McElhinny, T. L., Smale, L. & Holekamp, K. E. (1997) Patterns of body temperature, activity, and reproductive behavior in a tropical murid rodent, Arvicanthis niloticus. Physiology and Behavior. 62: 91-96. Holekamp, K. E., Smale, L., Berg, R. & Cooper, S. M. (1997) Hunting rates and hunting success in the spotted hyaena. Journal of Zoology, London. 242: 1-15. Smale, L., Nunes, S. & Holekamp, K. E. (1997). Sexually dimorphic dispersal in mammals: patterns, causes, and consequences. In Advances in the Study of Behavior. P. J. B. Slater, J. S. Rosenblatt, M. Milinski, and C. T. Snowdon (eds). Academic Press. Volume 26, pp 181-250. Holekamp, K. E., Cooper, S. M., Katona, C.I., Berry,,N.A., Frank, L.G. & Smale L. (1997) Patterns of association among female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Mammalogy. 78: 55-64. Nunes, S., Zugger, P. A., Engh, A. L., Reinhart, K. O. & Holekamp, K. E. (1997) Why do female ground squirrels disperse away from food resources? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 40: 199-207. Holekamp, K. E., Smale, L. & Szykman, M. (1996). Rank and reproduction in the female spotted hyaena. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 108:229-237. Nunes, S. & Holekamp, K. E. (1996) Body mass and body fat influence the timing of natal dispersal in Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). Journal of Mammalogy.77: 807-817. Alexander, K.A., Kat, P.W., Frank, L.G., Holekamp, K. E., Smale, L., House, C. & Appell, M. J. G. (1995) Evidence of canine distemper virus infection among free-ranging spotted hyenas in the Masai Mara, Kenya. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 26: 201-206. Frank, L. G., Holekamp, K. E. & Smale, L. (1995) Dominance, demography, and reproductive success of female spotted hyenas. In Serengeti II: Conservation, Research, and Management. A. R. E. Sinclair and P. Arcese (eds.). University of Chicago Press. Chicago. Pp 364-384. Smale, L., Holekamp, K. E., Weldele, M., Frank, L. G. & Glickman ,S.E. (1995) Competition & cooperation between littermates in the spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta). Animal Behaviour. 50: 671-682. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale L. (1995) Rapid change in offspring sex ratios after clan fission in the spotted hyena. The American Naturalist.145: 261-278. Alexander, K.A., Maclaughlin, N.J., Kat, P.W., House, C., O'Brien, S.J., Lerche, N.W., Sawyer, M., Frank, L.G., Holekamp, K. E., Smale, L., McNutt, J.W., Laurenson, M.K., Mills, M.G.L. & Osburn B. I. (1994) Evidence of natural bluetongue virus infection among African and Indian carnivores. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 51: 568-576. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale L. (1993) Ontogeny of dominance in free-living spotted hyaenas: Juvenile rank relations with other immature individuals. Animal Behaviour. 46: 451-466. Smale, L., Frank, L. G. & Holekamp, K. E. (1993) Ontogeny of dominance in free-living spotted hyaenas: Juvenile rank relations with adults. Animal Behaviour. 46: 467-477. Holekamp, K. E., Ogutu, J., Frank, L. G., Dublin, H. T., & Smale, L. (1993) Fission of a spotted hyena clan: Consequences of female absenteeism and causes of female emigration. Ethology. 93: 285-299. Glickman, S.E., Frank, L.G., Holekamp, K. E., Smale, L. & Licht. P. (1993) Costs and benefits of "androgenization" in the female spotted hyena: the natural selection of physiological mechanisms. In Perspectives in Ethology, Volume 10: Behaviour and Evolution. P.P.G. Bateson, P. H. Klopfer, and N. S. Thompson (eds.). New York. Plenum Press. pp 87-117. Holekamp, K. E. & Talamantes, F. (1992) Seasonal fluctuations in hormones and behavior of free-living male California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). Hormones and Behavior. 26: 7-23. Holekamp, K. E. & Talamantes, F. (1991) Seasonal variation in circulating testosterone and estrogens of wild-caught California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 93: 415-425. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale L. (1991) Dominance acquisition during mammalian social development: the "inheritance" of maternal rank. American Zoologist. 31: 306-317. Holekamp, K. E. & Smale L. (1990) Provisioning and food-sharing by lactating spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Ethology. 86: 191-202. Holekamp, K. E. & Sherman, P. W. (1989) Why male ground squirrels disperse. American Scientist. 77: 232-239. Holekamp, K. E. & Nunes, S. (1989) Seasonal variation in body weight, fat, and behavior of free-living California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 67: 1425-1433. Holekamp, K. E., Nunes, S. & Talamantes, F. (1988) Patterns of progesterone secretion in free-living California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). Biology of Reproduction. 39: 1051-1059. Holekamp, K. E., Nunes, S. & Talamantes, F. (1988) Circulating prolactin in free-living California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 71: 484-492. Colosi, P., Holekamp, K. E., Thordarson, G., Southard, J. N., & Talamantes F. (1987) Purification and partial characterization of prolactin from the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi). Biology of Reproduction. 36: 1017-1023. Thordarson, G., Holekamp, K. E. & Talamantes, F. (1987) Development of an homologous radioimmunoassay for secreted prolactin from the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi). Biology of Reproduction. 36:1186-1190. Holekamp, K. E. (1986) Proximal causes of natal dispersal in Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). Ecological Monographs. 56: 365-391. Holekamp, K. E., Simpson, H. B. & Smale. L. (1985) Endocrine influences on natal dispersal in Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). in Migration: Mechanisms and Adaptive Significance. M. A. Rankin (ed.) Contributions in Marine Sciences (Supplement). Vol. 27, Pp. 397-408. Holekamp, K. E., Smale, L. Simpson, H. B. & Holekamp, N. A. (1984) Hormonal influences on natal dispersal in free-living Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). Hormones and Behavior 18: 465-483. Holekamp, K. E. (1984) Natal dispersal in Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 16:21-30. Holekamp, K. E. (1984) Dispersal in ground-dwelling sciurids. In The Biology of Ground-Dwelling Squirrels. J. O. Murie and G. R. Michener (eds.) University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln, Nebraska. Pp. 297-320 Holekamp, K. E. & Reutener, D. B. (1981) Observation, description, and analysis of the captive behavior of Marmosa murina. JSAS Cat. Sel. Doc. Psych. Vol 11. 69 pp. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Total=15) Smith, J. E. & Holekamp, K. E. (2010). Landmark Studies: Spotted Hyenas. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. M.D. Breed & J. Moore , Editors. Academic Press, Oxford. Pp 335-349. Holekamp. K. E. (2010) Spotted hyenas: misunderstood indicators of ecosystem health? Swara 33: 34-37. Holekamp, K. E. & Kolowski, J. M. (2009) Hyaenidae. In Handbook of Mammals of the World: Carnivores. D. Wilson, R. Mittermeier &. G. Fonseca (Eds.) Lynx Edicions, Madrid, Spain. 234-260. Holekamp, K. E. (2004) A view from the field: What the lives of wild animals can teach us about care of laboratory animals. In The Development of Science-Based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care. Proceedings of the November 2003 International Workshop. Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. National Research Council. The National Academies Press. Washington, DC. Pp 169-174 Engh, A.L, & Holekamp, K.E. (2003) Uncovering the secret lives of hyenas. Annual Science Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing. Chicago. Pp 118-131. Holekamp, K. E. & L. Smale (2000). A hostile homecoming. In The Smile of a Dolphin: Remarkable Accounts of Animal Emotions. M. Bekoff (ed.) Discovery Books (Random House). New York. Pp. 118-121. Boydston, E. E. & K. E. Holekamp (2000) Applications of geographic information system (GIS) technology to hyena conservation. I.U.C.N. Hyaena Specialist Group Newsletter 7: 24-27. Holekamp, K. E. (1997) Book review of Carnivore behavior ecology, and evolution: volume two, edited by J. L. Gittleman. Quarterly Review of Biology. 72: 212. Holekamp, K. E. (1994) Book review of The Last Panda by George B. Schaller for The Quarterly Review of Biology. 69: 109-110. Smale, L. & Holekamp, K.E. (1993) Growing up in the clan. Natural History. 102: 42-53. Holekamp, K. E. & L. Smale. (1992) Hyaena-human relations in and around the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. I.U.C.N. Hyaena Specialist Group Newsletter #5, Pp. 19-20. M.G.L. Mills (ed.). April, 1992. Holekamp, K. E. (1991) Small mammals. In Fantastic Journeys. R. R. Baker (ed.) Weldon-Owen Publishers. Sydney, Australia. Pp 178-181. Smale, L. & Holekamp, K.E. (1991) The misunderstood spotted hyena. Swara. 14: 10-13. Holekamp, K. E. (1983) Proximal mechanisms of natal dispersal in Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). PhD Dissertation. University of California, Berkeley. Holekamp, K. E. (1979) Suggestions for women travelers. In R. Berg's The Art & Adventure of Traveling Cheaply. And/Or Press. Berkeley CA. Pp 175-188. INVITED LECTURES 2017: Columbia University, Department of Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology. New York, NY. 2017: Capstone Lecture, American Society of Mammalogists annual meeting, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 2016: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 2016: Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 2015: Convergent Minds Conference, Boston University 2014: Washington State University, Pullman WA 2014: Presidential Symposium, Annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Princeton, NJ. 2014: Plenary speaker: Conference on African Large Carnivores: impacts on ecosystems and humans interactions. Nairobi, Kenya 2014: Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA. 2014: National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. 2013: Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA. 2013: Plenary speaker. Student Conference on Conservation Science. Bangalore, India. 2013: Presidential Symposium, Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, Salt Lake City, UT. 2013: Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA. 2013: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 2013: University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI 2013: Smith College, Northampton, MA 2013: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne, IL. 2012: Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA. 2012: Michigan State University, EEBB seminar, E. Lansing, MI 2011: University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany 2011: Plenary speaker: International Congress on ‘Hominid-carnivore interactions during the Pleistocene.’ Salou,Tarragona, Spain 2011: University of Connecticut, London, CT 2011: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 2011: International Ethological Conference, Symposium on Social Complexity, Bloomington, IN 2010: Georgetown University, Washington, DC 2010: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2010: University of Rennes, France 2010: University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada 2010: Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center at the University of Missouri-St. Louis 2009: University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 2009: Hope College, Holland MI. 2009: Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. (Lectures on both evolution of intelligence and women in science) 2009: The Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR. 2009: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. (Lectures to both Cognitive Science program and Environmental Biology) 2009: Danforth Plant Science Center, St Louis, MO, MSU Alumni Association 2009: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 2008: Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 2008: Boston University, Boston, MA. 2008: Binder Park Zoo, Kalamazoo, MI. 2008: The Santa Fe Institute. Symposium on social inequity, Santa Fe, NM. 2008: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. 2008: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 2007: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 2007: Miami University, Oxford, OH. 2007: University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE. 2006: University of California, Davis, CA. 2006: University of California, Los Angeles, CA. 2006: Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Keynote speaker: C. Hart Merriam Award recipient. Amherst, MA. 2006: The Royal Society, Symposium on social intelligence. London, U.K. 2006: University of California, Berkeley, CA. (2 talks at UCB, in 2006 in Feb & Oct) 2005: Duke University, Durham, NC. 2005: University of Kentucky. Keynote speaker: Research Symposium at the Center for Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, Lexington, KY. 2005: Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI. 2005: University of Miami, Miami, FL 2005: Potter Park Zoo, Lansing, MI. 2005: Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, MI. 2004: University of California, Berkeley, CA. 2004: Utah State University, Logan, UT. 2004: International Society of Primatologists annual meeting. Symposium on fission-fusion societies, Torino, Italy. 2004: Michigan State University EEBB Program, E. Lansing, MI. 2004: Smith College, Northampton, MA. 2004: Sam Houston State University. The E.O. Wiley Lecture. Huntsville, TX. 2004: University of British Columbia, The Dennis H. Chitty Lecture. Vancouver, BC. 2003: Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. |